Rajabori villages - Guide Cambodia - Seripheap

Rajabori villages

Rajabori Villas


The island of Koh Trong; found in the middle Mekong which is in the opposite of Kratie city Kratié ; is a small rural and insular condensed. Visitors are enchanted by the beauty of the scenery, rolling sand banks and agricultural fields.

Nestled at the northern tip of the island, the resort of Rajabori Villas is not left behind and it cannot be competed against. With a few guest houses, the most demanding visitors wishing to stay on the island will therefore pass through this unique establishment.

The wooden bungalows are of Khmer architecture and blend perfectly into the island's landscape. There is no air conditioning in the rooms but the bungalows manage to keep a rather cool interior, even during hot weather. You should know that Kratie's climate is quite cool and mild compared to those of the large cities of the Kingdom. The pool has generous size and very good. It will delight the people eager to spend a good relaxing moment.




Tel : 012 770 150

Website : rajabori-kratie.com

Address : Phum kbal koh, Sangkat Koh Trong 1, Kratie City and Kratie Province, Cambodia


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